Jane Aiken Hodge

 Jane Aiken Hodge 's Books

A very well recieved series by Jane Aiken Hodge are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Lost Garden (The Purchas Family Series Book 5), Watch the Wall, My Darling, Judas Flowering, Wide is the Water, Maulever Hall, The Winding Stair, Strangers in Company, The Adventurers, Deathline, Whispering, All for Love, Shadow of a Lady, One Way to Venice, Red Sky at Night, Lovers' Delight, Here Comes a Candle, Leading Lady, A Death in Two Parts, Polonaise, Last Act, Only a Novel: The Double Life of Jane Austen, Runaway Bride, First Night, Marry in Haste, Greek Wedding, which was published in 2022.